AK – Kids & Me After Keanu: I’m a new parent to a ten year old boy, a foster child placed with me when coronavirus was sneaking about in the background. I have always considered adulthood optional – one of the perks of being an aidworker are cooks and cleaners – and I have a good laugh and cry at my ineptitude and general cluelessness about raising this complicated but cool little man. He’s a quirky, part angel, part spawn of Satan, part comedian, kid. Some mind-blowingly spectacular melt-downs (mostly his), some musing, rambling, unexplained hair loss and empty wine bottles.
In the fabric of family dynamics, nothing is more knotted and frayed than sisterly love. Continuing from Part 1 (obviously) My sister was the ‘It!’…
Life before & after writing to Keanu Reeves about kids, grief, sex and stupidity and being a new foster parent. Some sex, some tantrums, some Keanu Reeves.
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